During the course of the project RELEVANCE we provide the open dataset WiLi at https://servicehub.ait.ac.at/nextcloud/s/ey6DmAA8xqpSezB Password: wilidataset Please note that we are currently in the process of making the dataset fully available but due to its size this will take […]
RELEVANCE Dataset is featured in INTERACT newsletter
We are happy to announce that a preliminary version of our dataset paper got select for the INTERACT newsletter. The newsletters can be found here: https://interactca20120.org/media/newsletters/.
HOPE goes Open Source
We are proud to announce that the software framework used in RELEVANCE celebrates its birthday on Github. You can find HOPE at https://github.com/parforme/RELEVANCE-HOPE.
RELEVANCE is online!
I am proud to announce that RELEVANCE got funded by the FFG under project no. 881701. Stay tuned for updates and follow us here or on Twitter.